
5 Must Have Amazon Face Products

Hey all! I just want to start off by saying I am totally NOT a “beauty guru” type person. I typically only wear makeup when I have an event or dinner plans, etc. On an average day I only wear mascara (on a good day that is) – occasionally if I have breakout I will do a spot cover with some concealer but that is about as crazy as I get!

To give you a little more background, I have always had very oily and acne prone skin. I have suffered with acne from the time I was probably 13(ish?) until now (i’m 26). It has progressively gotten better the older I get, but I still struggle with scars, and an uneven complexion. I recently started realizing I need to take my skin care routine a little more serious, and thanks to amazon I found 5 AMAZING products that have made all the difference.

In addition to the below 5, I also use Tula’s Acne Foam Cleanser, the Clear It Up toner, and spot treatment, linked here is the kit I have purchased. 100% recommend!!

I’m going to list these 5 products out in the order that I use them with the amount of times a week, etc I use them.


Product #1 – Tinkle Razors

If you have never at home dermaplaned your face, you are totally missing out!! I try and use this 1 time every 2 (or so) weeks, usually if I know I have an event or something like that. I do this before I start any skincare for that evening. The best way to do this is to wet your face, and below your eyes you will move down your face, above your eyes you will move up your face, (be careful around your eyebrows, I accidentally took off the corner of mine… whoops)! This helps to remove any dead skin, peach fuzz, and all around grossness from your face. Your skin will feel SO much smoother and it will also help your makeup go on much smoother!


Product #2 – Glycolic Acid

This product is AMAZING! I have noticed the biggest difference in my acne spots after using this for just a couple weeks. It does have bead like things in it so it does work as an exfoliator, since it is kind of rough of your skin I only wash my face with this every 3-4 nights. To each their own, but since my face is more sensitive that is just my preference! I use my Tula acne foam cleanser the other nights since it is much more gentle on my skin.

Product #3 – Vitamin C Serum

The holy grail of products I didn’t know I needed. EVERY female needs this in their life! I do typically use my Tula acne toner before I use this serum, and I do use this morning and night. I make sure to wait in between each product until they are dry. If you suffer with acne scars this will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I immediately started noticing a huge change in the acne scars on my cheeks after I started using this. I also feel like my face has started to become much brighter and my dark spots are slowly fading away.


Product #4 – CeraVe Moisturizing Cream

After my Vitamin C Serum I always use my moisturizing cream, as I’ve said before I have very sensitive and acne prone skin and this is the only moisturizer I have been able to use that doesn’t wreck my skin. I will use this both at night and in the morning after I clean my face. This is also what I use to mix with my Isle of Paradise tanning drops. Just a little dab will go a long way! I prefer the cream over lotion as it is a little thicker and I personally think it soaks into my skin better.


Product #5 – Acne Cover Patch

This is my secret weapon to help with breakouts! After I complete all my skin care I will cover any “trouble” areas (usually only the gnarly breakouts) and it will pull all the gunk out onto this little patch and in the morning my breakouts are usually much smaller/flatter, and less red. Obviously, it is not magic and will not completely get rid of acne over night, but it surely helps move the process along! I have also worn these throughout the day to the grocery store, etc, since they are clear you can’t even see them!


Again, I am not a beauty guru, and these products are what have worked for me and my skin! Everyone’s skin is different, but I love that all 5 products are available on Amazon prime and also have lower price points. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!




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